Lamont A. Davis Sr.

Family Photo Album
Poems by Lamont
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Family Photo Album

On this page I'll describe some of my family members.


My mom is the most wonderful woman I know.  She was born and raised in Detroit Michigan.  She loves Detroit.  She worked for Detroit Police Department for 15 years.  My moms has stood by my side through thick and thin, even though she would not go along with anything I did that was wrong.  She has taken in more people than I can imagine.  Some deserved it, and some didn't.  However she will be blessed for what she has done.  Her children love her dearly.

Mr. and Mrs. Lamont A. Davis Sr.
Lamont and Felicia Davis wedding pictures. Well this is the answer to everyones questions, here we are at the wedding.  This is all the proof anyone needs.  Yes I am married.

Lamont & Felicia

This is My Mom

Mr. & Mrs. Lamont & Felicia Davis
March 2005


Great Grand Mother
Mattie Wilborn Fairchild

Other Relatives

This is my great grandmother, my mothers, mothers, mother.  I never had the opportunity to meet her.

My Loving Sister

This is my dog.  We have been together through everything.  No one can ever take her place.  I will do anything for her.  She was born in Detroit Michigan, Educated in the Detroit Public School System, and attended College at Alabama State University.  She now lives in a suburb of Detroit.

I have a brother Keith Cornell, everyone who has known him calls him Cornell.  He is one of the most helpful guys you have ever known.  He helps people so much until it becomes stressful to him.  I will add a picture of my brother as soon as I get a better one.  He is a really good guy.

This is my Oldest Man
Lamont A. Davis Jr.

Age 15

Baby boy 17

My Children

I have three sons Lamont who is 19 years old and attends WC3 in Detroit, Mi., Defontez and Demiren who are both 18 and in high school.  Lamont has an attractive personality, he can get along with most anyone, but don't make him mad.  He's a pretty strong young man.
Defontez has a personality much like my own.  He loves to take things apart and put them back together.  He's a builder, and an artist..  Maybe he'll become an architect or an electrician, who knows.  Just be anything he wants to be as long as its positive.
Demiren does his own thing.  Lives with my mom, and is a great Artist.  He's kind of laid back, but doesn't like to be bothered.

   I had two fathers.  I was partially raised by my mothers husband who I really disliked as I got older, because of the way he treated me.  My father whom I never really got to know has been an ok guy.  Maybe we can get better acquainted in the future.  I may get to know the man who raised me also, because we had a strained relationship before.  Its going to be hard for me to move back home.

Lamont Sr., Defontez, Lamont Jr.
Taken September 2004

Davis Family
We will get Cornell next time around, he wasn't there

Pictures and text will be updated soon.

To My Boys Lamont Jr., Defontez, and Demiren I love you guys.